The feng shui bagua map is an octagonal shaped map which allows you to evaluate in feng shui terms any living or working space. The feng shui bagua is a very important feng shui tool and indispensable when we wish to harmonize a place and the elements in it.
According to the feng shui bagua map Cheap Seth Curry Jersey , each part of your house corresponds to a different life aspect. The life aspects are nine and each one of them has its own characteristics and elements. By properly harmonizing each of the bagua areas within your home or working place, you will be harmonizing each area of your life.
The nine life areas symbolized in the feng shui bagua are: prosperity, fame and reputation Cheap Wesley Matthews Jersey , relationships and love, family, health Cheap Dennis Smith Jr. Jersey , creativity and children, skills and knowledge, helpful people and travel Cheap Harrison Barnes Jersey , and career. Prosperity is the area which you should pay attention to when you are having money related problems, its color is purple and the elements you should use in it are wood and water.
The feng shui bagua life area called fame and reputation is the one which should be paid attention to when wishing a reputation improvement of any kind; it is represented by the color red and its most important elements are fire and wood. Relationships and love area is the one which should be improved when looking for starting or improving a relationship of any kind; its color is pink and the elements are earth and fire.
Family is another feng shui bagua life area and you can harmonize family boundaries by working on it, its colors are green Cheap Dallas Mavericks Hats , black and blue and its main element is water. Health, another life area represented in the feng shui bagua map, can be improved by working on that area of your house. Health colors are yellow Cheap Dallas Mavericks Hoodies , brown and orange, and its main elements are earth and fire.
The next feng shui bagua life area is creativity and children. Creativity and children should be harmonized when having problems with children in the family, when wishing to have children or when wishing to improve our creativity. The colors of this area are yellow and earth tones Cheap Dallas Mavericks Shirts , and its element is metal. On the other hand, the colors you should use in order to improve the skills and knowledge life area are black and green and the element you should add is earth.
Helpful people and travel is another feng shui bagua life area and it can be improved by using the colors white and black and by making sure it contains the elements metal and water. The life area of career can be harmonized and improved by using blue and white in the space which corresponds to it as well as by adding some metal in it.
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of . Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need! How Well Does the Kobra 270 TS C4 Cross-Cut Shredder Stack up Against the Competition? Technology Articles | March 22, 2011 After looking over the Kobra 270 TS C4 Cross-Cut Shredderwe were quite pleased with its specs. Now it may not be the cheapest onthe market but we think that the few extra bucks you'll spend will b...
After looking over the Kobra 270 TS C4 Cross-Cut Shredderwe were quite pleased with its specs. Now it may not be the cheapest onthe market but we think that the few extra bucks you'll spend will beworth it. Check out the specs below and judge for yourself.
At a level 3 security Cheap Dallas Mavericks Jerseys , this cross-cut shredder gets the job done.Although there are higher levels of security, a level 3 machineprovides a sufficiently small cut size to put your identity theftworries to bed. We also like the cross-cut because it takes up muchless space which means that you won't have to empty your bin asfrequently as you would with a strip-cut machine. There is really noreason to jump up to a level 4 machine unless you have someultra-sensitive documents you need destroyed.
Shredable Material
The Kobra 270 TS C4 Cross-Cut Shreddercan shred CDs, Credit Cards Cheap Doug McDermott Shirt , DVDs, Paper. If you need to be able toshred something else then we recommend that you look at a largermachine andor look for something with a little bit lower security (thehigher the security the less likelihood that the machine shredssomething other than paper).
Continuous Motor
Kobra 270 TS C4 Cross-Cut Shredderis rated for continuous operation. That means that theoretically youcould shred all day long and the machine would not have to shut-down tocool off. Remember that results may vary under real-world operatingconditions and things such as the temperature of the room will affectthe ability of this motor to stay cool and continue to shred. We givethis machine 2 pats on the back for being rated continuous duty and weknow that you'll appreciate this feature in due time.
Bin Size
The Kobra 270 TS C4 Cross-Cut Shredder has a 29 gallon bin. We'rehappy with this size because it will give you a bit more time betweenemptying your bin. Although the size may make it difficult to fit thisshredder in a tight space, it's always worth it in the long run to geta bigger bin size and move your office around a bit.
Throat Size
We love the 10.6 inch throat on this shredder because you can put inodd sized paper and it leaves plenty of breathing room when it comes toregular sized paper. Some of the smaller machines will crumple thepaper and eventually jam because the throat opening is just not largeenough.
The Kobra 270 TS C4 Cross-Cut Shredder comes with a Limited 1 YearWarranty on Shredder Cheap Yogi Ferrell Shirt , 5 Years on Cutting Blades. This means that youhave plenty of time to test out the machine and make sure thateverything is running smoothly. Just make sure to properly care foryour machine and you shouldn't have any issues.