Taking Charge of Your Life Self Help Articles | February 11 Cheap Replica NFL Jerseys , 2006 It is the rare individual who always lives his or her life at cause; however, far too many of us live a large portion of our lives at effect - responding to the whims, desires or emotional states of others.
How do you live your life? At cause or at effect? It is important to be aware of this distinction. It is the rare individual who always lives his or her life at cause; however, far too many of us live a large portion of our lives at effect - responding to the whims, desires or emotional states of others.
Being at cause means that you are decisive in creating what you want in life and take responsibility for whatever you achieve. You see the world as a place of opportunity and you move toward achieving what you desire. If things are not unfolding as you would like, you take action and explore other possibilities. Above all Cheap Stitched NFL Jerseys , you know you have choice in what you do and how you react to people and events.
If you are at effect, you may blame others or circumstances for your bad moods, for what you have not achieved or for the disarray of your life in general. You may feel powerless or depend on others in order for you to feel good about yourself or about life. You may think, "If only my spouse, my boss, my co-workers Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale , my parents, my children understood me and helped me achieve my dreams or did what I wanted or what is best for me, then life would be great." If you wait and hope for things to be different or for others to provide you with results or happiness, you are at effect, or a victim of circumstances. And really, how satisfying is that? How satisfying do you think it is for others to be around you? Believing that someone else is responsible for your happiness or your different moods is very limiting and gives this person mystical powers over you Cheap NFL Jerseys From China , which can cause both you and the other person a great deal of anguish.
Being at cause means you have choices in your life - you can choose what is best for you while ensuring the choice is ecological for those around you, in your community and your society. That is, you consider the consequences of your actions on others, while not taking responsibility for their emotional well-being. Believing you are responsible for the emotional well-being of someone else places a heavy burden upon you and can cause a great deal of stress.
Those who live their lives at effect often see themselves as victims with no choices whatsoever. The truth is that they do have choices but have chosen not to take action. They are simply reactive to whatever is thrust upon them.
Emotions such as guilt, fear, anxiety and resentment are the result of being at effect. People at effect tend to blame others and do not take responsibility for their actions. Emotions such as these can wear heavily on a person's body and life Cheap NFL Jerseys China , and can be the root cause of many physical and personal issues.
Do I always live my life at cause? No, not a chance; the great majority of the time I do live at cause. When I don't, one of the following usually comes to mind: ?There is no failure only feedback' or ?There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states'. Then using various personal growth techniques, such as those from NLP (neurolinguistic programming), I am able to explore other ways to achieve my outcomes or ask others for help Cheap NFL Jerseys , without being a victim to their answers.
Each morning when you get up, you can either ask yourself, "I wonder what my day will bring," or "What do I choose to bring to my day?" The choice is yours.
Erection Problems in Young Men (Study 20-28 years) Health Articles | November 12, 2014 Of late, I have been doing some research on the topic of penile dysfunction in younger men. I even asked some of my friends to comment on this Cheap Jerseys China Wholesale , and the results were interesting. I was expecting answer...
Of late, I have been doing some research on the topic of penile dysfunction in younger men. I even asked some of my friends to comment on this, and the results were interesting. I was expecting answers as to how they think that this might be caused, and there was more than one reason to it. In fact, there were two different reasons, entirely different. Younger-aged men had two fears in mind that could cause these erection problems:
Primarily Cheap Authentic Jerseys , their fear was when they would be incapable of performing sexual intercourse Secondly, they were afraid when their fiancés would find out that they were cheating on them.
Since my concern here does not relate to how a man cheats on his woman, we may ignore the second factor here.
So, what is erectile dysfunction? This is commonly known as the inability of a man to achieve an erection and maintain it. If you’re thinking on how this happens, this is usually caused by the obstruction of blood flow in any part of the body, particularly in the major arteries Cheap Replica Jerseys , specifically penile tissues.
Let us try to find out the typical cause of obstruction in blood flow in the veins. As a matter of fact, there are quite a number of factors that are responsible for the blockage of blood in the arteries. I’m going to name the most commonly found ones, and these are:
Unjustifiable smoking Drug abuse Alcohol abuse Heart illnesses, and Diabetes mellitus
How do alcohol and substance abuse cause penile dysfunction?
Drugs and alcohols are known as ‘downers’ because of the fact that they lower the capability of the body to respond to standard stimuli by affecting the nervous system. The consumption of unjustifiable alcohol affects your nervous system and in addition to causing the above mentioned affect, decreases the libido.