Decide What you want – Choose 3-5 related goals – Start acting for the 3-5 goals at the same time – You will reach one goal at least – Success will give you more energy – Decide what you want again and repeat the cycle….
To explain this strategy I will draw an example to compare the old strategy with Wael’s Strategy. Tom is a writer. Tom wrote a list of the following four goals: 1-Writing a new article entitled “X1”. 2-Writing a new book entitled “X2”. 3-Getting a job as a journalist. 4-Getting more promotion via social media.
According to the old strategy nike air max 1 baratas , he will work at one goal per time. He will spend one or two weeks writing the article. He will spend 3 or 4 months ,for example, writing the new book. He will spend a short or a long period searching for job opportunities. Then, he will spend some months dealing with social media. This is the old strategy. I will not mention the advantages of the old strategy which are many or its disadvantages. Instead, I will try to explain Wael’s Strategy.
According to Wael’s Strategy, Tom will spend 4 hours daily writing his new book, 2 hours daily searching for job opportunities , 2 hours daily dealing with social media and 2 hours daily writing his article. Diversity of his intellectual environment is the best advantage leading to more creativity. According to the old strategy, Tom will work systematically for more than one year to achieve his four goals. But according to Wael’s Strategy, one event may change the whole plans. For example, If Tom in the first days got a job as a journalist, dramatic changes may happen in Tom’s plans: instead of writing one new article, Tom will be obliged to write one article per week. His theme of his book may change. He will prefer to collect a group of the articles that he will write in a published book. Social media will need less effort. Many important persons will be happy to have friendship with the new journalist.
But the most important characteristic of the 3-5 goals that you will work for at the same time is that the goals must be related and serving each other. Your efforts shouldn’t be scattered among different unrelated fields.
I have tried this strategy and found it very effective and I advise the readers to try it and I’m waiting for their feedback.
By: Wael ElManzalawy
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Throughout the first weeks in the womb a baby’s capacity to process tone and music grows stronger. When a baby is born he or she is already able to identify familiar tunes and distinguish between the speech of his parents and other peoples voices. It’s been proven that new borns prefer songs sung by their parents to radio or CD music, I would therefore recommend parents record themselves singing a soothing lullaby. newborns show a selection for soothing classical music over heavy rock and studies done in Neonatal Intensive Care Units with premature infants show that soothing music from the Baroque period can lower the blood pressure and stress hormones of these young kids. How infant’s Respond to Music Birth to Six Months: Bythis age many kids respond to music playing nike air max comprar baratas , they will move their body in time to the music. They will turn their heads towards sounds that catch their attentions and cry in response to unpleasant noises. Six Months to One Year: As an infant’s eye hand coordination develops they become more mobile; new borns will grasp and operate objects. This means that a baby can shake a rattle and understands that the shaking causes the noise to occur. newborns begin to clap their hands in response to music and parents should this behviour. Songs to Sing with infant’s It doesn’t matter if you have a fantastic voice or not or even if you sing out of tune. Try singing a lullaby such as “Hush, Little Baby” before putting your baby down for a nap. Hush Little Baby Hush, little baby, don’t say a word. Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird And if that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring And if that diamond ring turns brass, Papa’s gonna buy you a looking glass And if that looking glass gets broke, Papa’s gonna buy you a billy goat And if that billy goat won’t pull nike air max mujer baratas , Papa’s gonna buy you a cart and bull And if that cart and bull turn over, Papa’s gonna buy you a dog named Rover And if that dog named Rover won’t bark Papa’s gonna buy you a horse and cart And if that horse and cart fall down, You’ll still be the sweetest little baby in town. One, Two ,Three One, two, three nike air max baratas , four, five, Once I caught a fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine Baratas Mujer Nike Air Max 97 Ultra Grises Obsidian , ten, Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on my right. Lavender’s Blue Lavender’s blue, dilly dilly, Lavender’s green When you are King, dilly dilly, I shall be Queen Who told you so, dilly dilly Mujer Nike Air Max 97 Blancas Baratas , Who told you so? was my own heart, dilly dilly, That told me so Call up your friends, dilly, dilly Set them to work Some to the plough, dilly dilly, Some to the fork Some to the hay Hombre Nike Air Max 97 Doradas Amarillo En línea , dilly dilly, Some to thresh corn Whilst you and I, dilly dilly, Keep ourselves warm Lavender’s blue, dilly dilly, Lavender’s green When you are King, dilly dilly Comprar Nike Air Max 97 OG Plata Bullet , I shall be Queen Who told you so, dilly dilly, Who told you so? was my own heart, dilly dilly, That told me